If you prefer to utilise UMA's standalone version without linking it to Microsoft or Google, you have the option to set up a basic version. This will provide you with some useful features to get started.
Typically, organisations use UMA's standalone version as a sole IoT, reporting or visitor management platform.
Floor map sensor visualisation
Follow this guide if you are a Google organisation wanting to connect your users and resources to UMA.
UMA allows you to connect to your own Google Workspace tenant using the Google API to sync users and resources.
You will need your Google Workspace global admin to carry out the steps below.
To understand the permissions required for the UMA Vision application click here.
To get started, navigate to your Google Workspace admin console.
Head to the security settings and find 'Manage Domain Wide Delegation' under 'Access Data Control' and 'API Controls'.
Click 'Add New'.
Insert the following Client ID: 103562150091217457953
Insert the following scopes: (each on a separate line) https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.resource.calendar https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group.member.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly
Click 'Authorise'.
A booking account is required in order to create anonymous bookings. Any bookings that are unable to be booked through a user account will be created with this account.
We recommend using a generic email address such as booking@yourcompany.com as this account will not need to be logged into and will be easier to identify.
Create a new Google Workspace user - e.g. booking@yourcompany.com.
Click on the newly created user/booking account and navigate to admin roles and privileges.
Ensure this user is given the super admin permissions role.
To get started, you should have received an email to set up your account. If you haven't, please contact your UMA representative.
Once logged in you will need to carry out the following steps:
Configure your company settings.
Configure your user preferences.
Once these initial steps have been completed you can choose to connect to your Google Workspace tenant now.
Navigate to the integrations page and choose Google authentication to allow your employees to log in using Google credentials.
Once that's done, connect your Google calendar integration and enter in the booking account created above - e.g. booking@yourcompany.com.
To create resources in Google Workspace follow the guide here.
To import Google Workspace resources into UMA follow the guide here.
To sync your users from Google Workspace follow the guide here.
Understanding Google API permissions.
Get started here.
Add resources
Sync your Google resources with UMA.
User sync
Sync your users with Google Workspace groups.
OAuth authentication flow
How your users will log in
Choose one of the following device types:
Welcome to the UMA Knowledgebase
Looking for single sign on? You can use Okta to sign into UMA by using the guide here.
To add a team, follow the instruction video below.
A team can be assigned managers and members.
A team manager has the ability to add or remove members from a team but any neighbourhood policy applied to this team will be applied to the manager.
A team member has no access to make changes to a team but any neighbourhood policy applied to this team will be applied to the member.
To get started, follow any of the guides here:
To add a neighbourhood, first make sure you have added a team.
To add a neighbourhood follow the instruction video below.
Assign a group of resources to your neighbourhood to create a policy associated with these spaces.
Any resource types can be added to a neighbourhood as long as they are located on the same floor of a building.
Assign the teams that you want to give access to these resources. You can assign as many teams as you want.
You can now assign the days you want to give access to each team. Select a box next to each team to assign the days.
The days shown are based on your company or building settings.
If you have any days not selected, you can allow public access on these days by turning on the 'Allow public access on unassigned days' setting.
To ensure that these resources comply with booking policy restrictions, we advise to make the same changes to your Office 365 or Google Workspace environment.
Hiding resources in the GAL helps keep resources only visible to users using the UMA application.
You can add users manually or sync users automatically from Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.
To add a user manually, follow the instruction video below:
To learn about user roles and permissions click here.
To add a building follow the instruction video below
To add bookable resources to UMA, they first need to be created in Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace.
To add non bookable resources to UMA, they can be added without a third party.
There are two methods for adding resources in UMA.
You have the option to manually add resources, which is suitable for swiftly including a small number of them.
Alternatively, you can utilise the auto scan feature. For efficiently adding a large number of resources, we suggest employing the auto scan feature.
If you have just created resources in Microsoft 365 and Google, they can take some time to replicate.
To add a resource using auto scan, follow the instruction video below.
Note that any resources hidden from the GAL will not be found using the auto scan method.
To add a resource manually, follow the instruction video below.
To get started, follow any of the guides here.
Step 1
Add a building
Step 2
Add a floor
Step 3
Add users
Step 4
Add resources
Step 5
Add devices
All of our firewall rules are documented in our security section here.
If your Mimo 10" display is currently running the following firmware it will no longer be compatible with the UMA booking .apk from v1.7.2.
To upgrade the firmware of your Mimo panel you will need the following:
Windows PC
USB type-A to micro USB cable
Follow the below steps to proceed:
Install the following software on your Windows PC:
Download the new Mimo firmware here.
Open the Driver Assistant software and install the driver.
Open the Android Tool software.
Connect the panel to your Windows PC using the USB cable.
Turn the device on and after a few seconds you should get the Windows [device connected beep] and “Found one ADB Device” text in the bottom of the Android Tool software.
Within the Android Tool software, click on the firmware button and select the downloaded firmware from your PC.
Click the switch button and after some moments it should now show "Found one Loader Device" at the bottom of the Android Tool software.
Click the upgrade button to begin the update.
Once updated you will need to re-pair the UMA application.
Android 6.0 and above
Android 8.0 and above
Room Panel
Cisco Webex
x70 Series
This application can run on any device with a web browser.
Android 11
This application can run on any device with a web browser.
This application can run on any device with a web browser.
This application can run on any device with a web browser.
To add a floor follow the instruction video below
To get started, follow any of the guides here.
Follow this guide if you are a Microsoft organisation wanting to connect your users and resources to UMA.
UMA allows you to connect to your own Microsoft 365 tenant using Graph API to sync users and resources.
You will need your Microsoft Azure global admin to approve the application.
To understand the permissions required for the UMA Vision enterprise application click here.
To get started, you should have received an email to set up your account. If you haven't, please contact your UMA representative.
Once logged in you will need to carry out the following steps:
Configure your company settings.
Configure your user preferences.
Once these initial steps have been completed you can choose to connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant now.
Navigate to the integrations page and choose Microsoft authentication to allow your employees to log in using Microsoft credentials.
Once that's done, connect your Microsoft calendar integration and consent to the permissions requested.
You will need to enter your Microsoft Entra tenant ID as part of the connection process. This can be found on the Identity Overview page in Entra admin center.
Once connected you will need to find the UMA Vision enterprise application within Microsoft Entra and 'grant admin consent' to the application to fully consent to the permissions requested.
It can take up to 24 hours for sync between Microsoft and UMA to complete. During this period you may not be able to add resources to UMA.
To create resources in Microsoft follow the guide here.
To import Microsoft resources into UMA follow the guide here.
Microsoft's default behaviour is to not display the subject or private meetings correctly on the room display panel. To change this follow the guide here.
To sync your users from Microsoft follow the guide here.
Which hardware would you like to use as your meeting room display?
Follow our configuration guide here:
To pair an UMA application while adding, navigate to add a device and choose one of the UMA applications.
The pop up should ask for a pairing code along with other general device information.
The pairing code can be found on the application's pairing screen.
To assign this application to either a display panel or a Cisco Webex Navigator, just select the name of the hardware device under the parent device field.
This will let you track the hardware and software separately.
Once you've entered the pairing code, the application will sync with the relevant resource.
You can also pair an application already set up within UMA.
Navigate to the device page and click on the three dots in the row of the device you need to pair.
Click on pair and a pop up will appear to allow you to add/edit the pairing code.
Supported hardware
A list of all our supported hardware and operating systems
Firewall rules
This ones for IT admins
Meeting room display
Set up the UMA room booking panel here
Discover our signage applications here
Video conferencing
Learn how to connect video hardware to UMA
IoT sensors
Follow our configuration guides here
Sensor deployment
A guide to deploying sensors
Get started
Click here to get started
Understanding Graph API permissions.
Limit access to mailboxes
Use this policy to restrict access to specific users and calendars
OAuth authentication flow
How your users will log in
Global admin requirements
Why we need your global admin to consent
Enterprise applications
Everything you need to know about our enterprise application
Add resources
Sync your Microsoft resources with UMA.
Room display preparation
Understanding Microsoft's default behaviour.
User sync
Sync your users with Microsoft 365 groups.
Eliminate the complexities associated with booking desks and meeting rooms.
Through a straightforward process, users can secure their desired space instantly by scanning a QR code—anytime, anywhere.
Furthermore, our application includes a seamless 'check-in' feature upon arrival, ensuring an optimal utilisation of workspace.
This application utilises a mobile phone browser to allow you book or check into desk or meeting room bookings.
If you want to set up your QR codes on an E-ink display you can use the following device:
In order to use the application, first you need to print QR codes or use the Milesight DS3604 device to display QR codes.
To print a QR code follow the below steps:
Navigate to manage and resources.
Click on the ellipsis for the desk or meeting room you would like to print.
Click on QR code.
Click print or save the file to your desktop to edit and scale manually.
Physically assign the QR code to a space in your office.
Once you have assigned your QR code to a space you can scan the QR code to book or check into the space.
Once scanned you will see the availability of the resource as below:
If you are booking the resource on the spot you will immediately be checked in.
If you have already booked the resource you will be able to check in.
You can only check into a booking where you are the organiser.
Visualise your office floorplan on a sleek touch screen in your reception or common area. Effortlessly navigate through your office layout, locate colleagues, meeting rooms, and resources.
Instantly identify available workspaces, plan your day with precision. Reserve a space with a few taps - no more tedious booking systems.
Gain insights into environmental conditions for optimal workspace selection, aligning with your work style and preferences.
This application can run on any device with a web browser, however, map rendering will require enough processing power to display resource availability.
Speak to our sales team for hardware recommendations to display the office map application.
Open the UMA office map application by visiting https://office.meetuma.ai.
Navigate to add a device and choose a resource to pair the application with.
Use the unique pairing code to pair the application with the resource.
Once you've entered the pairing code, the application will sync with the relevant resource.
You can only assign this application to a zone.
You can also pair an application already set up within UMA.
Click on the device ellipsis and click pair.
You can configure the following settings after pairing the application:
Default view - allows you to choose between zones and rooms/desks.
Light / dark mode
Fullscreen mode
Allow booking - enable / disable ad hoc bookings from this application.
Access the sleek touch screen displaying your office floorplan in the reception or common area.
Navigate through your office layout effortlessly using touch gestures like swiping, zooming, and tapping.
Locate meeting rooms or workspaces by tapping on the corresponding icons or areas on the floorplan for detailed information.
Get real-time updates on workspace availability, clearly indicated on the floorplan.
Plan your day with precision using instant availability information. Select the workspace that best suits your needs and schedule.
Booking a workspace is quick and easy. Select your desired space and follow prompts to confirm your reservation with a few taps.
Gain insights into environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, and air quality (TVOC/VOC).
UMA allows you to customise the branding of the office map application.
The branding logo can be configured here.
The meeting room display, located outside meeting rooms, allows seamless impromptu bookings and real-time availability checks.
Reserve a meeting space effortlessly with a user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for complex booking systems.
Gain comprehensive insights, including occupancy details, to ensure the room suits your needs for a productive meeting.
Access valuable environmental data, from lighting to temperature, for a comfortable and effective meeting experience.
UMA's booking application is hardware agnostic and can be installed on any Android or web based device but we recommend the following devices.
Android 6.0 and above
Android 8.0 and above
Cisco Webex
Room Panel
x70 Series
Open the UMA booking application by opening the Android .apk or visiting https://book.meetuma.ai.
Navigate to add a device and choose a resource to pair the application with.
Use the unique pairing code to pair the application with the resource.
Once you've entered the pairing code, the application will sync with the relevant resource.
You can also pair an application already set up within UMA.
Click on the device ellipsis and click pair.
You can configure the following settings after pairing the application:
Sensor data - displays environmental data such as temperature, humidity, co2 and air quality.
Light / dark mode
Live occupancy - displays the number of people currently in the meeting room.
Book by user - allows users to book using their own O365 or Google account.
Allow booking - enable or disable booking from the panel.
Allow anonymous bookings - enable or disable anonymous bookings from the panel. if disabled you will only be able to use your account to book.
In the room booking application, you can swiftly check both present and upcoming meetings. To make a reservation, you have two options: an immediate booking or scheduling for a later time using your personal account.
Opting for the "Book Now" button instantly secures a meeting slot, creating an anonymous booking from the current time. Alternatively, utilise the room availability slider to select a suitable time for a future meeting.
The panel's sidebar provides additional valuable details:
Current occupancy
Current temperature
Current humidity levels
Current CO2 levels
Current air quality (TVOC/VOC)
During an ongoing meeting, a countdown timer will display, indicating the remaining duration of the meeting.
Navigate to company settings or building settings (depending on your administrative role).
Under booking policies, locate the meeting room check in option and toggle it on or off according to your preference.
If meeting room check in is turned on, a new field will appear to configure the check in window prior to the meeting starting.
When meeting room check in is turned on, a new configuration option will be available to specify how long before a meeting starts that someone can check in.
This configuration is represented by a free-text field where you can input the desired number of minutes.
The default check-in time is set to 5 minutes, with a maximum allowable duration of 60 minutes. Additionally, users have the flexibility to check in even after the meeting has commenced.
The check-in status is now included in the booking report under a dedicated check-in column.
This column provides a quick overview of which bookings have been checked in, offering valuable insights into meeting room utilisation.
You can extend your meeting directly from the room booking panel.
Users will see an extend button next to the current meeting on the booking panel if it is possible to extend that specific meeting.
The extension functionality is configured to align with the book now duration setting in company/building settings. This setting determines the increment slot length for meeting extensions.
UMA allows you to customise the branding of the booking panel.
The branding logo and colours can be configured here.
To upload a custom image to your booking panel or visitor management application navigate to company settings and upload a theme image and preview before deploying.
Your image file type must be .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .webp and 1920px x 1200px for best resolution.
This application is designed to effectively manage and monitor occupancy levels in a given area. It is equipped with integrated people count sensors, ensuring precise and up-to-date occupancy counts. This data is then displayed on signage hardware to provide real-time information about the current occupancy versus the designated capacity of the space.
UMA's people count application is accessible through any web browser on various devices or displays, offering flexibility and convenience in showcasing space availability across a building.
Additionally, users have the option to customise the occupancy display with their company logo and relevant text, providing clarity to individuals regarding the purpose of occupancy tracking in a particular space.
Navigate to add a device and choose a resource to pair the application with.
Use the unique pairing code to pair the application with the resource.
Once you've entered the pairing code, the application will sync with the relevant resource.
You can only assign this application to a zone.
You can also pair an application already set up within UMA.
Click on the device ellipsis and click pair.
Open the application on your device or access it through a web browser.
If not integrated out of the box, follow the provided guidelines to connect and calibrate the people count sensors. Ensure they are functioning correctly to provide accurate occupancy data.
Use the application to manage safe entry into a space by displaying occupancy versus capacity data on the designated signage hardware. This helps individuals know if they can enter a space safely without exceeding its capacity.
Observe the indicators to quickly determine if a space is over capacity. These visual cues help maintain safe occupancy levels.
If desired, personalise the occupancy display by adding your company logo and relevant text. This helps communicate the purpose of occupancy tracking to individuals in the space.
Introducing our advanced Visitor Management application, designed for seamless check-in and check-out.
Choose from two convenient methods: a user-friendly kiosk or mobile access via QR code.
The kiosk, equipped with a touch screen, ensures an efficient and hassle-free experience.
For those on the move, mobile access allows quick check-ins and check-outs with a simple QR code scan.
Streamline your visitor experience today!
This application can run on any device with a web browser.
Navigate to add a device and choose a 'Zone' to pair the application with.
Use the unique pairing code to pair the application with the resource.
Once you've entered the pairing code, the application will sync with the relevant resource.
You can only assign this application to a zone.
You can also pair an application already set up within UMA.
Click on the device ellipsis and click pair.
Checking in via the kiosk or mobile follows the same process:
Enter your name.
If the visitor is found, it will allow them to proceed to check in.
Check in.
The host is notified via an email notification.
Checking in via the kiosk or mobile follows the same process:
A prompt will ask if you’ve been invited.
Press ‘no’ to continue to check in.
Here you can check in as a visitor or an employee.
Check in and the visit will be registered in the visit log.
Checking out via the kiosk or mobile follows a similar process:
Enter your name.
If the visitor is found, it will allow them to proceed to check out.
Check out.
The host is notified via an email notification.
UMA allows you to customise the branding of the visitor kiosk application.
Open the UMA people count application by visiting .
Open the UMA visitor kiosk application by visiting .
The branding logo can be configured .
Set up your booking hardware
Supported hardware
Microsoft requirements
Android 11
Setting up sensors, especially IoT ones, should be a straightforward task, given that they often operate wirelessly. However, the plethora of sensor options in the IoT realm can make it challenging to determine which one suits your needs and how to configure it effectively for optimal data comprehension.
UMA can provide consultation to ensure you select the right deployment for your specific use case.
When messaging data isn't time-critical and can be processed at intervals, UMA recommends opting for an EnOcean or LoRaWAN sensor deployment. For scenarios requiring real-time data and involving intricate configurations, UMA leverages network-based people counting sensors.
In the realm of IoT sensors, UMA offers both EnOcean and LoRaWAN deployment options.
EnOcean and LoRaWAN are two different wireless communication protocols used in the field of IoT (Internet of Things). Here are the key differences between them:
Operating Frequency:
EnOcean: Operates in the sub-1 GHz ISM (Industrial, Scientific, Medical) band. This allows for good penetration through walls and objects.
LoRaWAN: Operates in multiple frequency bands, including sub-1 GHz and 2.4 GHz. It offers flexibility in choosing the frequency based on local regulations and requirements.
Power Consumption:
EnOcean: Known for its energy efficiency. EnOcean devices are often powered by energy harvesting methods (e.g., solar, kinetic, thermal), eliminating the need for batteries.
LoRaWAN: While efficient compared to some other protocols, it generally requires a power source (battery or mains power) for operation.
EnOcean: Typically has a shorter range compared to LoRaWAN. It is suitable for local area deployments.
LoRaWAN: Can provide longer-range communication, making it suitable for wide-area applications and remote monitoring.
Data Rate:
EnOcean: Offers lower data rates suitable for simple sensor data transmission.
LoRaWAN: Supports higher data rates, allowing for more diverse types of data to be transmitted.
EnOcean: Typically used in point-to-point or star network topologies.
LoRaWAN: Designed for wide-area networks and supports a star-of-stars topology, allowing for a larger number of devices to be connected.
Deployment and Use Cases:
EnOcean: Well-suited for applications where energy harvesting is feasible and quick, low-power communication is essential. Examples include building automation, smart home systems, and industrial monitoring.
LoRaWAN: Ideal for applications requiring long-range communication, such as agriculture, smart cities, asset tracking, and environmental monitoring.
Standardization and Ecosystem:
EnOcean: EnOcean Alliance maintains and promotes the interoperability standard for EnOcean-based devices.
LoRaWAN: Governed by the LoRa Alliance, which sets the standard for LoRaWAN devices, ensuring a wide range of compatible hardware and software.
Both: Security is a critical consideration for both protocols. Both offer features for secure communication, but implementation may vary based on specific devices and applications.
Ultimately, the choice between EnOcean and LoRaWAN depends on the specific requirements of the IoT application, including range, power source availability, data rate, and deployment scale.
Regional settings are used to display the correct time, language and time format on UMA applications.
Out of the box, UMA supports four manufacturers of IoT sensors.
However we can support custom IoT integrations if you email support@askuma.ai to find out more.
Please choose from the below options to understand the types of sensors we integrate with.
To configure settings for your organisation, choose from one of the below options.
Settings can be overridden at building or device level where applicable.
Select a personalised colour scheme, incorporate your company's branding, or upload your logo to replace the default UMA theme/logo.
You can pick from a colour palette or input your own colour codes to alter UMA's theme.
Additionally, you have the option to upload a custom logo using the upload file button. This logo will take the place of the current logos on the web portal and all UMA applications.
Modifying the appearance settings will only display as a preview until you save the changes.
Changes will apply immediately to all users who log in to the web portal.
Applications may take up to 30 mins to reflect the changes.
A white transparent logo is recommended, either SVG or PNG.
To upload a custom image to your booking panel or visitor management application. Upload a theme image and preview before deploying.
Your image file type must be .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .webp and 1920px x 1200px for best resolution.
Regional settings
Configure localisation settings for your company or building.
Branding and appearance
Customise the appearance of UMA for your employees.
User settings
Configure user sync here.
Visitor settings
Configure visitor management policies.
Support details
Enter support information to display on devices in your office.
Auto book / release
Automatically schedule / cancel meetings using occupancy sensors
UMA has a number of desk booking policies that can be implemented to control your hybrid working environment for your employees.
This setting is used to automatically cancel desk bookings that a user hasn't checked into after a configurable period of time after the start of the booking.
To configure, use the following format: 1h 30m
This setting is used to restrict users from booking desks too far in advance.
Enter in a numerical digit and select days, weeks or months from the drop down to create a restriction for desk bookings in the future.
This setting is used to enable morning and afternoon slots for desk bookings.
This setting uses the working hours in booking policies to determine the AM start time and PM end time.
To configure the AM end time and PM start time just enter in the desired time value in each of the fields.
For example, if your working hours are 9am - 5:30pm and you want to enable a morning slot for 9am - 12pm and an afternoon slot for 12:30pm - 5:30pm just enter 12pm as the AM end time and 12:30pm as the PM start time.
This setting is used to allow employees to book the same desk for multiple days in the future.
Use this setting to enable visitor management for your organisation.
If you turn on visitor management, any user in your organisation will be able to invite guests to your buildings.
When enabled, a BCC rule will enforce the hiding of visitor names and emails from all visit-related emails/events.
Use this setting to allow ad hoc check ins from the visitor kiosk. This will allow anybody to walk into your building and check in.
Any check ins will appear in the visitor log.
The header text appears prominently below the subject line in visitor emails.
Enter a new header message in the provided field.
Changes will immediately update in the live preview.
Click Save to apply the customization to all future visitor emails.
📌 Example header: "Welcome to [Company Name] – Here’s everything you need for your visit!"
The additional information section lets you provide extra details such as:
Visit instructions
Security guidelines
Parking information
Wi-Fi details
Use the rich text editor to format the content:
Add plain or styled text
Insert hyperlinks for additional resources
Changes will instantly reflect in the live email preview.
Click Save to apply updates.
📌 Example additional information: "Please check in at the reception upon arrival. Free parking is available in Lot A. If you have any questions, contact us at [support@email.com]."
As you edit the header and additional information, a real-time preview updates to show exactly how the email will appear to visitors.
📌 Tip: Use this preview to check formatting before saving.
If you need building-specific visitor emails:
Go to Building Settings → Visitors
Toggle "Customise visitor emails"
Customise the header & additional information
Save changes
📌 Note: If a building does not have a custom template, it will use the company-wide email template by default.
Choose an option below to understand more about user sync.
This setting allows users to locate others users on the map view and the planner home page.
When turned on, this is available for all users.
When enabled, this feature becomes accessible to all users in your organisation and will serve as the default landing page upon login.
Enable the to help your staff plan their working week.
Getting started
Everything you need to get set up on the UMA platform
User guides
How to get the best out of the UMA platform
Data and reporting
Understanding the data
Connect to external data sources
Release notes
All the latest news on our updates
Download the latest software here
Click here to get started without connecting a third party calendar.
Microsoft 365
Recommended for Microsoft organisations who want to sync users and connect their resource calendars.
Google Workspace
Recommended for Google organisations who want to sync users and connect their resource calendars.
First time log in
Set up your organisation
Set up your hardware
Users and roles
Your preferences
To sync your users with Microsoft click here
To sync your users with Google click here
Cisco Webex
Cisco Webex
Jabra Panacast
Cisco Meraki
Microsoft 365
Google Workspace
Cisco Webex
Learn how to sync your Webex devices from Control Hub
Jabra Panacast
Understand how to add Jabra Panacast devices to track occupancy in your spaces
Cisco Meraki
Environmental, energy and people counting solutions
Occupancy, people count and environmental sensors
Occupancy, environmental and energy sensors
People count sensors
The support information is utilised to appear on the UMA booking panel, providing users with the necessary contact details for assistance with the booking panel or meeting room.
Enter a telephone number or/and an email address here that employees can use.
UMA is equipped to autonomously schedule or cancel meetings by detecting occupancy through a range of integrated sensors.
To set up automatic booking or release, start by incorporating an occupancy sensor from our list of integration partners.
Once integrated, you can customise the device settings to automatically schedule or release based on a predefined duration of occupancy or lack thereof in the area.
If employing a basic PIR sensor, it's advisable to maximise data transmission frequency to minimize potential hiccups. For optimal results, we suggest utilising this feature in conjunction with a real-time counting device like a people counting sensor.
For more information on these settings click here.
Follow our sensor deployment guides here.
Please utilise this option to verify the standard work hours adhered to by your staff.
This feature serves a dual purpose:
UMA relies on this information for precise reporting on occupancy, while also employing the working hours for scheduling start and end times for bookings.
This configuration establishes a default time frame for direct bookings made through the UMA booking panel interface.
Please note that this setting exclusively impacts booking panels.
This configuration enables automatic cancellation of a reserved resource if it remains unoccupied for a predefined period.
Please ensure that an occupancy sensor is linked to the respective resource for this setting to take effect.
This feature aims to optimise booking slots for greater efficiency.
It allows for rounding up meeting durations to the nearest 5, 10, or 15 minutes, preventing odd time slots like 10:17 - 10:47.
This setting decides whether to round up or down meetings when using book rounding.
This configuration establishes a default duration for automatic bookings made through an occupancy sensor.
Please ensure that an occupancy sensor is linked to the respective resource for this setting to take effect.
This configuration determines the default duration for booking a resource after detecting occupancy.
Please ensure that an occupancy sensor is linked to the respective resource for this setting to take effect.
This setting is used to enable users the ability to check in to Zones on the UMA floor maps.
Navigate to My Floor and hover over the Zone you wish to record your attendance within.
Users are able to check in to Zones either on the day or in the future.
Please note when Zone Booking is enabled, desk booking is automatically disabled.
UMA has a number of meeting room booking policies that can be implemented to control your hybrid working environment for your employees.
Use this setting to enter a maximum duration for meeting room bookings.
To configure, enter a number and choose days or hours.
This setting is used to restrict users from booking meeting rooms too far in advance.
Enter in a numerical digit and select 'Days', 'Weeks' or 'Months' from the drop down to create a restriction for meeting room bookings in the future.
This setting is used to allow users to check into their meeting room booking to confirm their booking.
Enter in a numerical digit (in minutes) to allow users to check in before a meeting starts.
If you don't want users to check in before the meeting starts then use '0'.
Keep everyone on track and eliminate last-minute surprises with customisable, timely email alerts that ensure your team is always prepared for meetings and office visits.
To configure booking reminders, navigate to your company settings and find the booking reminders section.
Booking reminders is currently only available as a global setting.
Start by adding a reminder and you will see the following form.
Choose between a desk or a meeting room and a reminder time that makes sense for your business' needs.
You can choose the default email content for desks and rooms or use your own wording.
The default content for desks is as follows:
"Gentle reminder, you have an upcoming visit to the office. Please confirm your attendance below."
The default content for meeting rooms is as follows:
"Gentle reminder, you have an upcoming meeting in <resource_name> at <event_time>. Please confirm your attendance below."
You can also use the following variables to help bring more context into a reminder:
Preview your reminder in real-time to see what users will experience. Your logo and header colour will be shown in your company branding.
Reminder emails will include buttons for users to promptly confirm or decline their attendance for a booking.
For desks, the following actions will occur:
Yes, count me in - The desk booking will remain and you will be redirected to UMA with confirmation.
No, I'm not coming in - The desk booking will be cancelled and you will be redirected to UMA with confirmation.
For meeting rooms, the following actions will occur:
Yes, count me in - The meeting booking will remain and you will be redirected to UMA with confirmation.
No, I'm not coming in - The meeting room resource will be removed from the meeting but the meeting event will remain. You will be redirected to UMA with confirmation.
To configure policies for your organisation, choose from one of the below options.
Policies can be overridden at building or device level where applicable.
Office neighborhoods refer to the various sections or areas within a workplace that are often organised based on departments, teams or functions. Think of them as mini-communities within the larger office space, where groups of colleagues with similar roles or responsibilities work in proximity to one another.
In the context of UMA, neighbourhoods are used to create booking policies to allow or restrict employees (within teams) access to certain spaces.
To create a neighbourhood, follow the guide .
To understand how this affects booking, check .
General policies
Configure general company settings here.
Desk booking policies
Configure hybrid working policies here.
Room booking policies
Customise how your employees can book meeting rooms.
Car parking policies
Create rules for your parking spaces.
'Other' resource policies
Create rules for your 'other' resources.
The Booking Requests feature allows administrators to require approval before certain resources can be booked. This ensures controlled access to meeting rooms, desks, and other shared spaces while keeping scheduling seamless and efficient.
If a resource requires approval, a booking request is generated instead of an immediate confirmation.
Approvers can approve or decline booking requests via the Requests Page.
While a request is pending approval, the resource remains reserved and unavailable for others.
Once approved, the booking is confirmed and finalised in the system.
Admins can configure resources to require approval individually for each resource.
Edit the resource that requires approval.
Assign Approvers (individual users or teams).
Save the changes—going forward, all booking requests for this resource will require approval.
Approvers assigned to a resource can book it directly without needing approval.
If a resource requires approval, the booking will go through a request process.
Go to the booking page and select your desired resource, date, and time.
Click "Book" to book the resource.
Your booking request will be sent to an approver for review.
The booking will appear as “Pending Approval” in:
My Bookings
Home Page
Calendar (marked as "Pending Approval - [Subject]")
Once approved, the booking is confirmed and finalised.
While your request is pending, no one else can book the resource for the same time.
Approvers can review and manage requests via the Requests Page.
Go to Requests page (accessible from the menu).
View all pending booking requests, sorted by date.
Check the request to view details (time, requester, reason if provided).
Choose to Approve or Decline the request.
If declining, enter a reason, which will be included in the email notification to the requester.
The requester will receive an email notification about the decision.
If a pending booking is edited, the request updates without creating a new one.
If a booking is cancelled, the approver will receive a notification as normal.
Requesters and approvers receive email updates for: ✅ Request Created – Sent to the approver and requester. ✅ Request Approved – Sent to the requester. ✅ Request Declined (with reason) – Sent to the requester.
Users can track the status of their requests in:
My bookings
Planner home page
Approved requests will appear as confirmed bookings.
Pending requests will remain visible with a “Awaiting Approval” label.
Approval applies to all occurrences in a recurring meeting.
Multi-day desk bookings require a single approval for all days in the request.
When a user books a Microsoft resource, the following process occurs:
The resource is booked and accepted in Outlook with the pending approval prefix.
The booking is marked as "Pending Approval" in UMA .
The user receives an acceptance email from the Outlook room calendar.
Receiving the Outlook acceptance email does not mean the booking has been approved by the designated approver in UMA. Approval must still be processed separately.
To avoid confusion, the content of the Outlook acceptance email can be customised for resources that require approval. Suggested text:
"Your requested slot has been accepted by Outlook, but it still requires approval from your company’s approver. They will review your request and inform you via email whether it has been approved or declined."
Use the "AddAdditionalResponse" parameter in Outlook to modify the acceptance email content.
For more details, refer to Microsoft's Calendar Processing documentation here.
Where is UMA hosted?
UMA is hosted in AWS in a EU West data centre.
Are you ISO27001 certified?
Yes we are.
Does your information security and privacy policies align with industry standards?
AWS has certification for compliance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 27017:2015, and 27018:2014
Can you support SSO, and if so, which standards?
Yes, we support OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
Where do you store my company's data?
Data is held in our UK AWS data centre. The only data being held is full names and email addresses.
How do you encrypt my company's data?
Our platform is encrypted using AES256 end to end. All data in transit and at rest is encrypted. We utilise the tools provided within AWS RDS.
v2.0 - 15/11/2023
This paper outlines UMA’s approach to security and compliance for UMA Cloud, UMA Products and UMA Services. This whitepaper focuses on security including details on organizational and technical controls regarding how UMA protects your data.
UMA is proud to announce that we are ISO 27001 accredited, demonstrating our commitment to the highest standards of information security management. This international standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS) within the context of the organisation. Our adherence to ISO 27001 standards ensures that we manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details, and information entrusted to us by third parties with utmost diligence.
Before a member joins our team, UMA will verify an individual’s education and previous employment, and perform internal and external reference checks. Where local labour laws or statutory regulations permit, UMA may also conduct criminal, credit, immigration, and security checks. The extent of these background checks are dependent on the desired position.
All UMA employees undergo security training as part of the onboarding process and receive ongoing security training throughout their UMA working careers. During the onboarding phase, new employees agree to our Code of Conduct, which highlights our commitment to keeping customer information safe and secure. Depending on their job role, additional training on specific aspects of security may be required. For instance, the Information Security and Development team instructs new engineers on topics such as: secure coding practices, product design, and automated vulnerability testing tools. Engineers also attend technical presentations on security-related topics and receive a security newsletter that covers new threats, attack patterns, mitigation techniques, and more.
UMA regularly hosts internal conferences to raise awareness and drive innovation in security and data privacy which are open to all employees. Employees are regularly subjected to fake phishing emails to ensure the training received is understood and strengthens the awareness.
UMA employs security and privacy professionals who are part of our Platforms Engineer and Operations team. This team is tasked with maintaining the company’s systems from vulnerabilities, developing security review processes, building a security infrastructure, and implementing UMA’s security policies. UMA’s Security Team actively scans for security threats using commercial tools, penetration tests, quality assurance (QA) measures and software/platform security reviews.
UMA has a dedicated internal audit team that reviews compliance with security laws and regulations around the world.
To further bolster our commitment to security, UMA conducts annual penetration tests on our environment. These tests are designed to identify and fix vulnerabilities, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of our customer's data. Moreover, following any major updates or significant changes to our systems, we conduct additional penetration testing. This approach helps us to immediately address any potential security issues introduced by new system functionalities or updates, thereby maintaining a robust security posture consistently.
UMA administrates a vulnerability management process that actively scans for security threats using a combination of commercially available and purpose-built in-house tools, intensive automated and manual penetration efforts, quality assurance processes, software security reviews, and external audits. The vulnerability management team (Security Team) is responsible for tracking and following up on vulnerabilities. Once a vulnerability requiring remediation has been identified, it is logged, prioritized according to severity, and assigned an owner.
UMA’s security monitoring system is focused on information gathered from internal network traffic on our Platform, employee actions on systems, and outside knowledge of vulnerabilities. Within each of our Region’s traffic is inspected for suspicious behaviour, such as the presence of traffic that might indicate botnet connections. This analysis is performed using a combination of tools and services available within Amazon AWS. Inbound security reports are regularly monitored, and changes are audited.
We have a rigorous incident management process for security events that may affect the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of systems or data. If an incident occurs, the security team logs and prioritizes it according to its severity. Events that directly impact customers are assigned the highest priority. This process specifies courses of action, procedures for notification, escalation, mitigation, and documentation.
In accordance with our commitment to protect your privacy and manage your data responsibly, we will retain the personal and operational data collected through our services only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this agreement, or as required by applicable law. All data will be securely deleted from our systems every three years, unless a shorter retention period is applicable. Additionally, upon the termination of your contract with us, we will delete all your data in full, ensuring that no residual copies remain in our backups or storage systems beyond a period necessary for the deletion process. This policy is designed to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and to safeguard your information against unauthorized access or use.
To keep data private and secure, UMA logically isolates each customer’s data from that of other customers and users, even when it is stored on the same virtual host hosted in AWS. Only a small group of UMA employees have access to customer data. For UMA employees, access rights and levels are based on their job functions and role, using the concepts of least privilege and need-to-know to match access privileges and defined responsibilities. Requests for additional access follow a formal process that involves a request and approval from a data or system owner, manager, or other executives, as dictated by UMA's security policies. Approvals are managed by workflow tools that maintain audit records for all changes.
Within customer organisations, administrative roles and privileges for UMA Cloud are configured and controlled by the Project/Facilities owner. This means that individual team members can manage certain services or perform specific administrative functions related to that organisation only without gaining access to all settings and data.
The customer, as the data owner, is primarily responsible for responding to law enforcement data requests: however, like other technology companies, UMA may receive direct requests from government and courts around the world about how a person has used the company’s services. We take measures to protect customers' privacy and limit excessive requests while also meeting our legal obligations. Respect for the privacy and security of data you store with UMA remains our priority as we comply with these legal requests. When we receive such a request, our team reviews the request to make sure it satisfies legal requirements and UMA policies. For us to comply, the request must be made in writing, signed by an authorized official of the requesting agency, and issued under an appropriate law.
UMA directly conducts virtually all data processing activities to provide our services. However, UMA may engage some third-party suppliers to provide services relating to UMA, UMA Vision, UMA Book, UMA Sense, UMA C-19 and UMA Air. Prior to onboarding third-party suppliers, UMA conducts an assessment of the security and privacy practices of third-party suppliers to ensure they provide a level of security and privacy appropriate to their access to data and the scope of the services they are engaged to provide.
The protection of your data is the primary design consideration for all UMAs Infrastructure, products, and personnel operations. Data protection is more than just security, UMAs strong contractual commitments make sure you maintain control over your data and how it is processed, including the assurance that your data is not used for advertising or any purpose other than to deliver UMA Cloud Services to you.
Prior to being able to access real-time occupancy information and enable users to reserve resources via the map view, you must first allocate resources to areas of the map.
To create resources, check out this guide.
Navigate to your floor map and click on edit map.
Only an admin can assign resources to a map.
Select a region on the map to allocate a resource and select the resource from the drop down on the left hand menu.
Switch off the map editing mode, then you can either hover over or click on the resource to access additional information or book the space.
The floor plan that you send to us has to be in one of the following file formats for us to be able to process it:
Floor plans come in a lot of different forms. Some of them only consist of single lines, some contain technical information while others are even hand-drawn. To ensure that you get a satisfying result when ordering a building model conversion you have to follow these guidelines.
Scale bar or measurement
A scale bar similar to the image shown below allows us to scale a floor plan properly and to the correct dimensions so that the resulting model is an accurate representation of the real-world building. You can usually find the scale bar at the lower right-hand side corner of a floor plan.
While we do have alternative methods for estimating the dimensions of a floor plan they're not always applicable and if they are, the result may not be as accurate as when the original floor plan already includes a scale bar. These inaccuracies can affect larger floor plans more heavily than smaller ones as the discrepancies will start to add up over longer distances.
These alternative scaling methods include:
Assuming the width of a stair to be 1.2m
Assuming the width of a toilet partition space to be 0.9m
Assuming the widths of office desks to be either 1.6x0.8m or 4x2ft
Assuming the width of standard doors to be at least 0.72m
We're unable to guarantee an accurate building model if a proper scale or measurement is not provided with the floor plan.
If the alternative scaling methods mentioned above are not applicable to a specific order we will have to reject it.
The image resolution of a floor plan needs to be high enough for us to be able to read the details on it. We need to be able to see where a window or a door starts and where it ends or how wide a wall is or what the function of a space is. If the resolution of the floor plan is not high enough it can either result in an inaccurate 3D model or even force us to reject an order as we're not able to read it and create a sufficiently accurate 3D model.
If the floor plan contains colors like the blue areas shown in the example below make sure that you mark which part of the floor plan you want us to convert for example with a red line as we might make the wrong assumptions otherwise and only convert one part or the wrong part.
In addition, make sure that the additional markings do not obscure floor plan details like walls or windows as those are required by us to create the conversion.
Top-down images of 3D models
Unfortunately, we can't use images of 3D models or Matterport scans even if they're from a top-down perspective due to perspective distortion, lacking scaling information, and obscured details such as windows and doors. Always make sure to upload a proper 2D floor plan when ordering a model conversion.
Our system currently only supports one single floor plan per order. If you have a multi-page PDF containing multiple floor plans, we kindly ask you to separate the floor plan that you want us to convert, and only attach that one PDF page to the order form.
We can usually only use a hand-drawn floor plan for the conversion process if the drawing is very clean and if the measurements stated on the drawing are in line with the dimension of the drawing itself. In the example below, it's clear that the dimensions of the drawing are not in line with the stated lengths. In addition, there are no indications of how wide a wall is, which is why we can't use the drawing to convert it into a 3D model.
Unfortunately, we can’t convert schematic floor diagrams like the two examples below into a digital floor plan. These kinds of drawings usually lack important details such as doors, windows, or wall strengths and are often also not drawn to scale which would mean that the resulting digital floor plan wouldn’t be accurate and wouldn’t match the real-world dimensions of rooms or buildings.
If you're planning to upload a physical, paper based floor plan to the order form make sure to use a scanner to convert it into a digital file first instead of using a photo camera. Also make sure that there are no folds or perspective distortions present as we're unable to correct these kinds of distortions in order to convert the floor plans into accurate 3D models.
Make sure that the floor plan you're uploading has a scale bar or other dimension references such as a readable measurement for the length and width of a building, wall, or similar.
About our interactive maps
A must read guide before sending your maps to UMA
Assign resources to map
Bring your map to life with this simple guide.
White paper
Firewall rules
AWS architecture
There are five user roles within UMA with different access levels to allow you to restrict users to different features.
The roles can be explained as below:
UMA is a cloud-based solution, maintained by data centres that hold premier certifications such as ISO 27001 and SOC2.
For further details on compliance, please explore the AWS Security and AWS Compliance articles.
Please click on one of the below cards to check out the firewall rules needed from your network devices to our servers.
Optional - Milesight remote management service for people counting sensors.
A team in UMA represents a group of work colleagues affiliated with a specific department, project, or specialised group within an organisation. Teams are designed to enhance collaboration and streamline resource management, making it easier to coordinate efforts in a hybrid working environment.
Teams in UMA serve multiple purposes:
Collaboration and coordination:
Teams are ideal for organising colleagues who share common goals, projects, or initiatives.
Resource management:
Teams can be granted specific access to book office resources such as meeting rooms, desks, or other shared spaces, ensuring efficient use of resources.
Planner home page integration:
This feature is optional and can be enabled or disabled by the organisation based on their preferences.
Neighbourhood booking policies:
Teams remain essential for creating and managing neighbourhood booking policies, enabling organisations to group employees by location or other criteria for focused resource management.
Standard team collaboration: When enabled, teams can be seen on the home page, allowing members to view their team’s schedules and plan accordingly.
Neighbourhood policies only: If teams are used solely for neighbourhood bookings, visibility on the Planner Home Page can be turned off.
UMA’s Teams feature is a versatile tool that bridges the gap between colleagues, resources, and hybrid working policies, helping organisations stay connected and productive.
Teams can now appear on the , allowing members to view each other’s schedules for better alignment and planning.
Organisations can decide whether teams are visible on the . This flexibility ensures UMA accommodates different use cases, such as:
To create a team in UMA, follow the step-by-step guide .
For more details on neighbourhoods and their interaction with teams, click .
User roles
User sync
Gateway service
Gateway service
Management service
MQTT service
Branding service
Branding service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Crash reporting service
Crash reporting service
Crash reporting service
Crash reporting service
Crash reporting service
Management service
MQTT service
Branding service
Management service
MQTT service
Branding service
Branding service
Management service
Management service
MQTT service
Branding service
Management service
MQTT service
Management service
MQTT service
Management service
MQTT service
Upgrade service
Upgrade service
MQTT service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
Management service
MQTT service
To book a resource within a neighbourhood, you can still book using our web or mobile applications.
To understand how resource booking is affected by neighbourhood policies for each application type you can check below.
When booking using the map or list view in UMA Vision, if you hover over a resource that has a neighbourhood policy applied you will see information appear on the tool tip related to the teams that are allowed to book that space for the day selected.
If you click on a resource that you don't have access to book, you will receive a message that this resource is assigned to a different team and you aren't able to book.
When booking using the map view, if you tap on a resource that you don't have access to book, you will receive a message that this resource is assigned to a different team and you aren't able to book.
When booking using the list view, any resources that you can't book will be filtered out of the view.
Only the team members/managers will be able to book the room directly from the panel as per the neighbourhood policy.
To enforce this we recommend turning book anonymously off or even turn booking off completely.
Only the team members/managers will be able to book the room directly from the display as per the neighbourhood policy.
You can disable booking from the office map if required.
Office neighbourhoods refer to the various sections or areas within a workplace that are often organised based on departments, teams or functions. Think of them as mini-communities within the larger office space, where groups of colleagues with similar roles or responsibilities work in proximity to one another.
These neighbourhoods serve several purposes:
Collaboration: Colleagues within the same neighbourhood can easily interact and collaborate on projects or tasks, fostering teamwork and innovation.
Resource Sharing: Teams in the same neighbourhood often share resources such as meeting rooms, equipment, or specialised tools, making it convenient for them to access what they need for their work.
Culture and Identity: Each neighbourhood may develop its own unique culture and identity, reflecting the values and dynamics of the teams that inhabit it.
Efficiency: By grouping related teams or departments together, communication and workflow efficiency can be improved, as employees can quickly access the expertise or support they need from nearby colleagues.
In the context of UMA, neighbourhoods are used to create booking policies to allow or restrict employees (within teams) access to certain spaces.
To create a neighbourhood, follow the guide here.
To understand how this affects booking, check here.
Creating a neighbourhood policy only restricts bookings created on UMA's side.
To ensure that your neighbourhood policy matches the one in UMA for bookings created in Microsoft Outlook, some PowerShell commands will need to be run against the associated resources.
The script ensures:
Only specified users can book the resource.
Out-of-policy requests are automatically declined.
No manual approval is required.
In-policy requests are automatically accepted.
Ensure these settings are applied to all relevant resources to enforce consistent booking policies across Microsoft Outlook and UMA.
To ensure that your neighbourhood policy matches the one in UMA for bookings created in Google Workspace, some configuration will need to take place against the associated resources.
Ensure the resource (e.g., meeting room) is created in the Google Admin console.
For detailed steps, refer to Create buildings, features & Calendar resources.
In the Admin console, navigate to Menu > Directory > Buildings and resources > Resource management.
Select the resource you want to manage.
Click on Sharing options.
Under Share with specific people, add the email addresses of the users or groups you want to grant booking permissions to.
Assign them the "Make changes to events" permission.
In the resource's settings, locate the Auto-accept invitations option.
Choose "Auto-accept invitations that do not conflict".
This setting ensures that the resource automatically accepts booking requests from authorised users if there's no scheduling conflict.
By default, resources might inherit the organisation's calendar sharing settings.
To restrict bookings to only specified users:
Ensure that the resource's calendar is not shared with the broader organisation or is set to "See only free/busy (hide details)" for others.
This setup ensures that only users explicitly granted permissions can book the resource, while others cannot.
Have an authorised user attempt to book the resource to confirm that the booking is automatically accepted.
Have an unauthorised user attempt to book the same resource to ensure that the booking is automatically declined.
For more detailed information, you can refer to Google's support documentation on Approving or denying Calendar room & resource bookings.
Ensure these settings are applied to all relevant resources to enforce consistent booking policies across Google Workspace and UMA.
To sync users from Microsoft Entra, Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace, follow one of the below guides:
Your preferences are used to help personalise the UMA experience for you.
By selecting your preferred options for visualising data, it helps you view and action your every day tasks a lot quicker.
The following options are available for you to personalise:
Preferred building and floor
Time zone
Date and time format
Preferred video meeting vendor
Your car details
Temperature format
The Planner Home Page is designed to support the needs of modern hybrid workplaces, where employees split their time between the office, home, and other locations.
As organisations embrace hybrid working, effective planning and communication tools are essential to ensure seamless collaboration and efficient use of office resources.
It bridges the gap between employees and the office by providing a centralised hub to:
Plan your hybrid week: View your schedule at a glance, including your daily status (Office, Home, Travelling for Business, or Holiday), building preferences, and upcoming bookings. With occupancy insights and quick access to resources, it’s easier than ever to organise your workweek.
Keep teams informed: See the schedules of your teammates, making it simple to coordinate office days and ensure alignment across your organisation.
This tool is tailored to meet the challenges of hybrid work, giving employees and teams the visibility they need to stay connected and productive. With features like automatic status updates, team calendars, and customisable resource links, the Planner Home Page is the ultimate solution for planning and managing hybrid workweeks.
Empower your workforce to collaborate smarter and stay informed—no matter where they’re working.
The Schedule tab provides an overview of your week:
View your week:
See daily cards displaying your schedule, including:
Date and day name.
Your working status (Office, Home, Travelling for Business, or Holiday).
Building and floor details from your preferences.
Occupancy insights showing the number of people in the office versus capacity.
Upcoming bookings, or a button to navigate to the ‘My Floor’ page if you have none.
Automatic status updates:
When you book a resource, your working status automatically updates to Office.
Navigate your week:
Use the arrows or date picker to view previous or upcoming weeks.
Click ‘Today’ to return to the current week.
Explore the team calendar:
View the schedules of your teammates in the Team Calendar section.
Switch between team tabs if you belong to multiple teams.
Use the search bar to quickly find specific teammates.
The Links tab lets you create and manage shortcuts to useful resources:
Add a link:
Click the ‘Add’ button.
Enter the link name and URL in the modal that appears. Both fields are mandatory, and the URL will be validated.
Manage your links:
Once added, the link will display with its favicon, name, and URL.
Click on any link to navigate directly to the resource.
To book a parking space, navigate to my floor within the workspace group and use either the map, calendar, list or parking view to identify the parking space you want to book.
To book a desk, navigate to my floor within the workspace group and use either the map, calendar or list view to identify the desk you want to book.
If you hover over the desk, you will see the following information:
The availability of the desk
The organiser of the desk booking (if it's busy)
Any relevant description added by an admin
If the desk is assigned to a specific employee
To book a meeting room, navigate to my floor within the workspace group and use either the map, calendar or list view to identify the meeting room you want to book.
If you hover over the meeting room, you will see the following information:
The availability of the meeting room
The organiser of the meeting (if it's busy)
Any relevant description added by an admin
The number of people in the meeting room (if a sensor has been assigned)
The meeting room booking form has the following fields:
Subject - the subject of the meeting
Private meeting option - this hides the subject and organiser on the meeting room display
Add participants - allows you to add internal and external participants to the meeting
Start date / time - the time you want the meeting to start
End date / time - the time you want the meeting to finish
Description - a description of the meeting, this will be sent in the invite to any participants
Video meeting - you can add a Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Webex Teams or Zoom meeting link to your meeting invite
Recurrence - you can create a daily, weekly or monthly recurring meeting using this setting.
Alongside the above, UMA will suggest times based on your availability, the participants and the meeting room's availability.
To get started, follow any of the guides here:
The workspace area is your central hub for efficiently managing and viewing your office space.
It offers a range of features designed to streamline your experience, including floor plan visualisation, desk and meeting room booking capabilities, visitor management, environmental data monitoring, and teammate location tracking through a powerful search function.
On the my floor page, you can gain a comprehensive overview of your office space from a floor by floor view. Navigate through floors, departments, and amenities effortlessly and understand building utilisation at a glance.
Stay informed about the environmental conditions in your workspace with real-time data.
Efficiently locate and connect with your colleagues within the office premises.
Every day employees and booking administrators such as Executive Assistants (EAs) and Personal Assistants (PAs) can enjoy a quick and comprehensive overview of each resource's bookings through a calendar view.
User Roles and Permissions
All users can view and book resources from the calendar view.
Relevant user roles can book, edit, and cancel bookings on behalf of others.
Meeting Rooms:
Admins/Advanced Managers: Can view meeting subject and organiser.
Users/Hidden Users/Managers: Busy slots show as 'busy'.
Desks and Parking Spaces: Organiser details visible to all user roles.
Effortlessly reserve desks, meeting rooms, parking spaces and any other resources to ensure a seamless workflow for your team.
Review, modify, or cancel your existing meetings / bookings and keep track of your reservation history for future reference.
Visitor Management was created to give hosts and visitors a seamless and safe experience when visiting your office space.
Are you an UMA admin? Check out our car parking policies .
To book on behalf of another user, check out this handy guide .
Are you an UMA admin? Check out our desk booking policies .
Are you an UMA admin? Check out our meeting room scheduling policies .
Microsoft 365 only - If you are seeing the meeting organiser instead of the subject then you will need to follow the guide .
Follow the guide to find out more.
To find out how to set this up for your organisation, click .
Entra ID SCIM Provisioning
Microsoft 365
Google Workspace
To edit or cancel a desk booking on behalf of someone, you need to be assigned a manager, advanced manager or admin role.
To edit or cancel a desk booking for someone else, select a busy desk and you will open the booking associated with that desk.
A side drawer will open allowing you to edit or cancel a booking.
Once you have updated the booking, the organiser will receive a notification with the changes reflected in their calendar.
To edit or cancel a meeting room booking on behalf of someone, you need to be assigned an advanced manager or admin role.
To edit or cancel a meeting room booking for someone else, select a busy meeting room and you will open the booking associated with that meeting room.
A side drawer will open allowing you to edit or cancel a booking.
Once you have updated the booking, the organiser will receive a notification with the changes reflected in their calendar.
When editing a meeting room booking, you will only be able to edit the date and time of the booking. All other details such as subject, description or participants will not be shown.
To manage your meetings and bookings, navigate to my bookings within the workspace group.
From here you can view, edit, cancel and check in to your meetings/bookings.
Some organisations use the check in feature to ensure that resources are being used efficiently.
Checking into a booking helps confirm your attendance in the office or meeting room.
To check into a desk booking, navigate to my bookings within the workspace group and find your desk booking.
You can only check into a desk booking up to one hour prior the start of your booking.
You can check into your desk booking from the my floor page if you are booking for the current day / time.
Checking into room bookings is only available from the UMA booking application.
To check into your booking from the meeting room display, your booking should show a check in option either before or during the meeting.
Press on 'check in' and this will you check you in and confirm your attendance.
To book a desk on behalf of someone, you need to be assigned a manager, advanced manager or admin role.
To reserve a desk for someone else, select a desk and activate the 'book on behalf of' option.
Locate the user you wish to make the booking for and proceed with reserving the desk in the usual manner.
If you toggle this on you'll be able to search for and select a user to book on behalf of.
The booking process from there on is identical to normal. The booking will appear in the specified user's calendar and allow the user to edit or cancel the booking should they wish.
Any users with the hidden user role will be hidden from this list.
To book a meeting room on behalf of someone, you need to be assigned an advanced manager or admin role.
To reserve a meeting room for someone else, select a room and activate the 'book on behalf of' option.
Locate the user you wish to make the booking for and proceed with reserving the meeting room in the usual manner.
The booking process from there on is identical to normal. The booking will appear in the specified user's calendar and allow the user to edit or cancel the booking should they wish.
Any video meetings added as part of this booking will use the organisers meeting details.
Any users with the hidden user role will be hidden from this list.
To book a an 'other' resource, navigate to my floor within the workspace group and use either the map, calendar or list view to identify the 'Other' resource you want to book.
Are you an UMA admin? Check out our other resource scheduling policies here.
To create a new pre-registered visit simply navigate to the visitors page and click add a visit.
The visit name is included in the subject of the email/event to the visitor.
Here you can enter in all the details about the visit including the host and visitor information.
You can assign a maximum of 5 hosts and 30 visitors to a visit.
Once you reach the summary page their will be an option to create a calendar event for the visit.
If enabled, UMA will create a calendar event of the visit with the creator of the visit as the organiser.
If this setting is toggled off, the visitor will just receive an email notification with all the details of the visit.
You can access the visitor log by navigating to the workspace in the menu. From here, you have the capability to view, add, update, or delete visits. Additionally, depending on your user role, you can generate and export reports.
Furthermore, you have the option to switch between buildings and select a date range to customise your view of visits. This allows you to filter between visitors and ad hoc employee check-ins.
You'll also have real-time access to your visitors' statuses:
Pending: The visitor has not yet arrived or checked in.
Checked In: The visitor has arrived and completed the check-in process using either the Visitor Kiosk or their mobile device.
Checked Out: The visitor has departed the building and checked out via the Visitor Kiosk or their mobile device.
Whenever a visitor checks in or out, the log is instantly updated with a timestamp, ensuring complete transparency regarding guests in the office.
To export all visits in the current view. This will download a CSV to your device.
To export a list of currently checked in guests in your building, use the emergency list export. This will download a CSV to your device.
Visitor Management was created to give hosts and visitors a seamless and safe experience when visiting your office space.
An UMA visit can be characterised as an invitation extended to a guest (or guests) to permit them to come to your office and securely enter the building for a specific purpose.
There are many reasons why you would invite a guest to your office:
A job interview
Contractor maintenance
Customer visit
Meeting / event
VIP visit
A visit can be pre-registered or ad-hoc.
A pre-registered visit should have a name which describes the purpose of the visitor coming to your office.
A pre-registered visit can have a single visitor or a group of visitors and can be for a single day or multiple days.
A visit can only be created for a single building.
To start inviting guests to your office, ensure that visitor management is enabled in company settings.
When turned on, any user in your organisation can start inviting visitors.
Checking in / out of the building is only possibly using a visitor kiosk.
Visitor management uses the company logo and primary colour from your company settings for all email notifications to visitors and hosts.
It also uses the company logo to display on the visitor kiosk.
You can understand about how to apply appearance/branding settings here.
Check out the supported hardware for our visitor kiosk here.
Checking in via the kiosk or mobile follows the same process:
Enter your name.
If the visitor is found, it will allow them to proceed to check in.
Check in.
The host is notified via an email notification.
Checking in via the kiosk or mobile follows the same process:
A prompt will ask if you’ve been invited.
Press ‘no’ to continue to check in.
Here you can check in as a visitor or an employee.
Check in and the visit will be registered in the visit log.
Checking out via the kiosk or mobile follows a similar process:
Enter your name.
If the visitor is found, it will allow them to proceed to check out.
Check out.
The host is notified via an email notification.
Visitor log
How to use the visitor log to keep track of guests in your building.
How to invite visitors
How to pre-register visitors in your office.
Check into a building
Your visitors experience when they enter the building.
Visitor log
How to use the visitor log to keep track of guests in your building.
How to invite visitors
How to pre-register visitors in your office.
Check into a building
Your visitors experience when they enter the building.
To book a desk, tap book or go to the floor map to identify the desk you want to book.
To identify a suitable desk to book you can filter by building, and floor or date and time of when you want to attend the office.
The UMA Book app allows you to effortlessly browse and reserve meeting spaces and desks while on the move, making the process quick and convenient.
Available on both the Apple Store and Google Play Store.
To book a meeting room, tap book or go to the floor map to identify the meeting room you want to book.
To identify a suitable meeting room to book you can filter by building and floor or date and time of when you want to attend the office.
To book a parking space, tap book or go to the floor map to identify the parking space you want to book.
To identify a suitable parking space slot to book you can filter by building and floor or date and time of when you want to book a parking space.
Download the mobile app
Follow a link to the Apple or Google play store.
Book a desk
Click here to find out how to reserve your seat in the office.
Book a meeting room
Book a meeting room, add participants and add your video conferencing details using this guide.
Book a parking space
Coming into the office but need to reserve parking? This is the guide for you.
Book an 'other' resource
Need to reserve a locker to store your equipment for the day? Check this guide out.
To book an 'Other Resource', tap book or go to the floor map to identify the 'Other Resource you want to book.
To identify a suitable 'Other Resource' to book you can filter by building and floor or date and time of when you want to book a parking space. You can also at a participant to this resource type.
Encountered a bug? Find out how to provide all the essential information for speedy resolution.
Bugs should be reported by sending an email to support@askuma.ai or from our portal.
In order to get the best help possible, please provide as much context on how you encountered the bug.
HARA HAR capture (HTTP Archives) records the requests and responses that your browser makes within UMA.
In Chrome, go to the page within UMA where you are experiencing trouble.
At the top-right of your browser window, click the Chrome menu (⋮).
Select tools > developer tools. The developer tools window opens as a docked panel at the side or bottom of Chrome.
Click the network tab.
Select preserve log.
You will see a red circle at the top left of the Network tab. This means the capture has started. If the circle is black, click the black circle to start recording activity in your browser.
Refresh the page and reproduce the problem while the capture is running.
After you successfully reproduce the issue, click the Export HAR button, which looks like a down arrow pointing to a horizontal line. Save the file to your computer.
Select the console tab
Right-click anywhere in the console and select save as....
Name the log file Chrome-console.log.
Send both files as shared links in a reply to your case.
In Firefox, go to the page within UMA where you are experiencing trouble.
Click the Firefox menu (Three horizontal parallel lines) at the top-right of your browser window.
Select web developer > network.
The developer tools window opens as a docked panel at the side or bottom of Firefox.
Click the network tab.
Select persist logs.
Refresh the page and reproduce the problem while the capture is running.
After you successfully reproduce the issue, right-click any row of the activity pane and select Save all as HAR.
Select the console tab.
Right-click any row and select select all.
Paste the content in a text file and name it console-log.txt.
Send both files as shared links in a reply to your case.
In Safari, go to the page within UMA where you are experiencing trouble.
In the menu bar at the top, click develop and select show web inspector.
Click the console tab and select preserve log.
Go back to the network tab.
Refresh the page and reproduce the problem while the capture is running.
After you successfully reproduce the issue, right-click any row of the activity pane and select export HAR.
Click the console tab.
Right-click any row and select select all.
Paste the content in a text file and name it console-log.txt.
Send both files as shared links in a reply to your case.
In Internet Explorer, go to the page within UMA where you are experiencing trouble.
Click the gear icon in the top right.
Select F12 developer tools.
Click the network tab.
Clear the clear entries on navigate option, which is selected by default. The icon looks like blue arrow with a red X.
The green play button (start profiling session), should be selected by default. This means the capture function is running.
Refresh the the page and reproduce the problem while the capture is running.
Once you have reproduced the issue, click the export as HAR icon. The icon looks like a floppy disk.
Click the console tab.
Right-click any row and select copy all.
Paste the content in a text file and name it console-log.txt.
Send both files as shared links in a reply to your case.
In Edge, go to the page within UMA where you are experiencing trouble.
At the top-right of your browser window, click the Edge menu (⋮)
Select developer tools.
Click the network tab.
Clear the clear entries on navigate option, which is selected by default. The icon looks like blue arrow with a red X.
The green play button (start profiling session), should be selected by default. This means the capture function is running.
Refresh the the page and reproduce the problem while the capture is running.
Once you have reproduced the issue, click the export as HAR icon. The icon looks like a floppy disk.
Click the console tab.
Right-click any row and select copy all.
Paste the content in a text file and name it console-log.txt.
Send both files as shared links in a reply to your case.
Our support team might ask you to hard refresh your browser as part of the troubleshooting process. This is different from a normal refresh.
Here's how you can hard refresh in all of the browsers supported by UMA.
If you use Windows, hold the CTRL key and press F5. If you use Mac, hold the CMD and SHIFT keys and press R.
If you use Windows, hold the CTRL key and press F5. If you use Mac, hold the CMD and SHIFT keys and press R.
First, empty the cache: hold the OPT and CMD keys and press E.
Then, refresh the current page: hold the CMD key and press R.
Hold the CTRL key and press F5.
Zones serve to compartmentalise offices, whether by departments, teams, facilities, or any other preferred criteria. This aids users in accessing real-time data within those designated areas.
Additionally, in the future, it will enable you to locate available desks and meeting spaces within specific zones.
It's important to note that zones are considered as non-bookable resources and do not require prior creation in Office 365 or Google Workspace.
For instance, if you were to integrate a people-counting sensor in a zone and make that data accessible through our web and mobile application, it would provide valuable insights for office occupants to gauge the level of activity in specific areas.
Furthermore, consider the scenario of incorporating an environmental sensor in an open workspace. By analysing this data, you can gain insights into the environmental conditions of various parts of your office.
This not only empowers users to choose their workspace based on air quality and temperature information but also contributes to understanding the overall health of your building.
Once your zone has been created you can assign it an area of your office on the map.
Once you've assigned the zone, you can click on zone view to see all the zones you've assigned to the map. If you hover over a zone it will initially tell you it has no data to show.
To start visualising data, add an IoT sensor to a zone.
Once you've added one of these devices to a Zone, navigate back to the map and you should see your data start to show.
Having trouble logging in or require a password reset?
Most people use Microsoft 365 or Google credentials to log into UMA.
If you are unsure, contact your UMA admin or manager within your organisation.
UMA cannot reset your Microsoft or Google password. Please contact your internal IT department to reset your password.
To log in with your Microsoft 365 or Google credentials click on either of the buttons on the login page here.
If you have trouble logging in with your Microsoft or Google account, or require a password reset, you will need to contact your internal IT department to resolve the issue.
If you usually log in to UMA with basic authentication but are having trouble signing in, contact the UMA admin in your organisation and they can reset your password.
If you do know your password but you want to reset it, log into UMA using basic authentication and follow the multi factor authentication steps.
Once you have logged in, click on your initials in the top right and click reset password and follow the instructions.
UMA is equipped with a variety of pre-existing integrations that can be utilized as data sources for fetching calendar or sensor data.
Password issues
Having trouble logging in or require a password reset?
Hard refresh my browser
Quick keyboard shortcuts to access feature updates
How do I report bugs
Submit a bug to our support team here
To enhance security and control over UMA's access to Microsoft 365, we allow organisations to limit access to specific users and resources.
This setup is optional, and UMA will function as expected without changes if the existing authorisation process has been applied.
We only access data configured by you via our admin portal, including users, room calendars and security groups.
Login to Microsoft 365 and create a mail enabled security group.
Add all users and resources intended for use in UMA.
Launch PowerShell and connect using modern authentication:
Apply the application access policy to the UMA Vision enterprise application using the provided script:
AppId: UMA Vision enterprise application ID.
mailenabledsecurityemail: Email address set up in Step 1.
Description: A description of the policy.
Test the newly created application access policy:
An AccessCheckResult of "Granted" should be displayed.
An AccessCheckResult of "Denied" should be displayed.
Changes to application access policies may take over 1 hour to take effect with Microsoft Graph REST API calls. Even if Test-ApplicationAccessPolicy shows positive results.
UMA provides an easy and secure way to get connected to your Microsoft 365 tenant using OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect.
You must first provide UMA with your Microsoft Azure Tenant ID.
Shown below is the authentication process that UMA uses using OAuth2.0 and Open ID connect:
For more information on OAuth and OpenID Connect, follow the documentation below:
This guide will lead you through a typical app authorisation procedure as a Global Administrator and provide an overview of how Enterprise Apps function with Azure AD, including prevalent security misconceptions. After that, we'll authorise a service account and establish a successful connection with UMA.
This explainer is for those who are struggling with the question of how to enable users to sign into UMA Vision using Office 365, while also ensuring that not everyone can authenticate with any application on the internet.
When you first authorise the UMA app, it creates a new Service Principal object in your Azure directory. This Service Principal represents your specific installation of the UMA app, which you can directly manage. The Application object of UMA is maintained by us and enables us to update and maintain the application for all our clients in one place.
To better understand, consider the Service Principal as a specific version of the software that is installed, and the Application as the latest version available. In the event that the Application is updated, such as adding or removing features or permissions, you can choose to reauthorise the latest version to update the Service Principal as required. However, this is an extremely rare occurrence and not essential for running UMA.
Only global administrators can:
Add apps from the Azure AD app gallery (pre-integrated 3rd Party Apps)Publish an app using the Azure AD Application Proxy
During sign-up/in users are asked to give permission to the app to access their profile and other permissions. The first person to give consent causes a service principal representing the app to be added to the directory.
Once you’ve added the application to your directory, the Global Administrator role is no longer necessary to manage the settings.
Enabling “Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf” will allow regular users assigned to the app to sign into existing service principals. It does not grant users the right to create new service principals (i.e. other applications you haven’t approved). Adding new applications is managed by the “Users can add gallery apps to their Access Panel” option instead, which can remain disabled as seen below
Get started with UMA's Microsoft 365 integration with the following guides:
This is UMA's preferred method of interacting with Microsoft Graph API as the level of access provides a more feature rich solution for end users.
The full permissions are documented as follows:
Lite permissions should only be used for where profile photo and group user sync is not required.
The lite permissions are documented as follows:
Microsoft within Azure AD.
When you first try to sign into the UMA application, unless your tenant allows all users to register new applications however we don't recommend this.
We need this permission to read your Microsoft 365 groups for .
We need this permission to read the members of your Microsoft 365 groups for .
If you are setting up UMA for the first time, you might question why the setup process mandates a Global Admin to authenticate, particularly if you're accustomed to using delegate access to manually share permissions among accounts.
We are delighted to provide an explanation and always appreciate the chance to demonstrate our security procedures.
Prior to proceeding, we suggest reading Microsoft's introduction to Azure app setup.
To synchronise calendars, UMA must install an integrated Azure AD app on your Office 365 account.
It is only possible for a Global Admin to install integrated Azure apps in Office 365. This is a beneficial security measure that safeguards against users granting apps access to sensitive parts of your configuration.
Please refer to the full explanation on Azure App Installations provided by Microsoft for more information
UMA utilises this application to oversee room calendars and track the users involved in meetings for each respective room. You may have similar services installed in a similar fashion, and you can review the current list of installed applications by visiting http://myapps.microsoft.com.
UMA's scheduling tools primarily focus on room calendars, but there are cases where we need to make adjustments to meetings for users. In these situations, the room calendar is just one of several calendars that require updates.
For example:
John schedules a 60-minute meeting in his calendar and invites the conference room. The meeting ends 30 minutes early. John leaves the room, and UMA detects this. UMA adjusts John's calendar event to end at the current time, which then updates everyone's schedules (including the conference room).
By modifying the organiser's event instead of just the copy associated with the room, all invitees receive the updates. This ensures that John's calendar accurately reflects his availability for colleagues. A similar situation arises when canceling a meeting due to no-shows and wanting to clear everyone's schedules.
UMA handles event bookings (such as room displays, web, and mobile apps) on your behalf, with the booking user automatically set as the organiser, providing the necessary permissions. If UMA is unable to edit the organiser's event, it will update the room calendar's version instead.
Opting for the delegate approach would lead to a situation where new employees need to share their personal calendars with the delegate and keep that list updated to prevent issues like "I deleted this event, why is it still on my calendar if the room is free?"
As UMA continues to enhance its user-to-room and user-to-user scheduling tools, this permission becomes increasingly vital for efficient scheduling and to avoid complicated workflows for your users.
With the use of OAuth, we install the connector app securely onto your Office 365 account. For Office 365/EWS, Microsoft mandates that all OAuth apps request this permission, for reasons unknown to us. However, UMA does not use this permission. Once installed, the UMA app can solely engage with your calendars.
if you cannot connect to O365 through OAuth there's considerable concern with security compromises via apps that allow you to sign in via Basic authentication. For this reason, we only support OAuth authentication at this time.
We do not require the global admin account to manage calendars once the app is installed. To provide an extreme example: You could create a new Global Admin account, use it to install the UMA app, and subsequently delete the account, and UMA would continue to function properly because the app is already operational.
When the app is installed, UMA does not acquire the privileges of a Global Administrator in your organisation. This is comparable to creating a new user mailbox as the Global Admin, which does not transfer power to the user account, merely because an administrator is needed to complete the set-up phase.