You can access the visitor log by navigating to the workspace in the menu. From here, you have the capability to view, add, update, or delete visits. Additionally, depending on your user role, you can generate and export reports.
Furthermore, you have the option to switch between buildings and select a date range to customise your view of visits. This allows you to filter between visitors and ad hoc employee check-ins.
You'll also have real-time access to your visitors' statuses:
Pending: The visitor has not yet arrived or checked in.
Checked In: The visitor has arrived and completed the check-in process using either the Visitor Kiosk or their mobile device.
Checked Out: The visitor has departed the building and checked out via the Visitor Kiosk or their mobile device.
Whenever a visitor checks in or out, the log is instantly updated with a timestamp, ensuring complete transparency regarding guests in the office.
To export all visits in the current view. This will download a CSV to your device.
To export a list of currently checked in guests in your building, use the emergency list export. This will download a CSV to your device.
Checking in via the kiosk or mobile follows the same process:
Enter your name.
If the visitor is found, it will allow them to proceed to check in.
Check in.
The host is notified via an email notification.
Checking in via the kiosk or mobile follows the same process:
A prompt will ask if you’ve been invited.
Press ‘no’ to continue to check in.
Here you can check in as a visitor or an employee.
Check in and the visit will be registered in the visit log.
Checking out via the kiosk or mobile follows a similar process:
Enter your name.
If the visitor is found, it will allow them to proceed to check out.
Check out.
The host is notified via an email notification.
Visitor Management was created to give hosts and visitors a seamless and safe experience when visiting your office space.
An UMA visit can be characterised as an invitation extended to a guest (or guests) to permit them to come to your office and securely enter the building for a specific purpose.
There are many reasons why you would invite a guest to your office:
A job interview
Contractor maintenance
Customer visit
Meeting / event
VIP visit
A visit can be pre-registered or ad-hoc.
A pre-registered visit should have a name which describes the purpose of the visitor coming to your office.
A pre-registered visit can have a single visitor or a group of visitors and can be for a single day or multiple days.
A visit can only be created for a single building.
To start inviting guests to your office, ensure that visitor management is enabled in company settings.
When turned on, any user in your organisation can start inviting visitors.
Checking in / out of the building is only possibly using a visitor kiosk.
Visitor management uses the company logo and primary colour from your company settings for all email notifications to visitors and hosts.
It also uses the company logo to display on the visitor kiosk.
You can understand about how to apply appearance/branding settings here.
Check out the supported hardware for our visitor kiosk here.
To create a new pre-registered visit simply navigate to the visitors page and click add a visit.
The visit name is included in the subject of the email/event to the visitor.
Here you can enter in all the details about the visit including the host and visitor information.
You can assign a maximum of 5 hosts and 30 visitors to a visit.
Once you reach the summary page their will be an option to create a calendar event for the visit.
If enabled, UMA will create a calendar event of the visit with the creator of the visit as the organiser.
If this setting is toggled off, the visitor will just receive an email notification with all the details of the visit.
Visitor log
How to use the visitor log to keep track of guests in your building.
How to invite visitors
How to pre-register visitors in your office.
Check into a building
Your visitors experience when they enter the building.
Visitor log
How to use the visitor log to keep track of guests in your building.
How to invite visitors
How to pre-register visitors in your office.
Check into a building
Your visitors experience when they enter the building.