To edit or cancel a desk booking on behalf of someone, you need to be assigned a manager, advanced manager or admin role.
To edit or cancel a desk booking for someone else, select a busy desk and you will open the booking associated with that desk.
A side drawer will open allowing you to edit or cancel a booking.
Once you have updated the booking, the organiser will receive a notification with the changes reflected in their calendar.
To edit or cancel a meeting room booking on behalf of someone, you need to be assigned an advanced manager or admin role.
To edit or cancel a meeting room booking for someone else, select a busy meeting room and you will open the booking associated with that meeting room.
A side drawer will open allowing you to edit or cancel a booking.
Once you have updated the booking, the organiser will receive a notification with the changes reflected in their calendar.
When editing a meeting room booking, you will only be able to edit the date and time of the booking. All other details such as subject, description or participants will not be shown.