If you prefer to utilise UMA's standalone version without linking it to Microsoft or Google, you have the option to set up a basic version. This will provide you with some useful features to get started.
Typically, organisations use UMA's standalone version as a sole IoT, reporting or visitor management platform.
Floor map sensor visualisation
Follow this guide if you are a Google organisation wanting to connect your users and resources to UMA.
UMA allows you to connect to your own Google Workspace tenant using the Google API to sync users and resources.
You will need your Google Workspace global admin to carry out the steps below.
To understand the permissions required for the UMA Vision application click here.
To get started, navigate to your Google Workspace admin console.
Head to the security settings and find 'Manage Domain Wide Delegation' under 'Access Data Control' and 'API Controls'.
Click 'Add New'.
Insert the following Client ID: 103562150091217457953
Insert the following scopes: (each on a separate line) https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.resource.calendar https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group.member.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly
Click 'Authorise'.
A booking account is required in order to create anonymous bookings. Any bookings that are unable to be booked through a user account will be created with this account.
We recommend using a generic email address such as booking@yourcompany.com as this account will not need to be logged into and will be easier to identify.
Create a new Google Workspace user - e.g. booking@yourcompany.com.
Click on the newly created user/booking account and navigate to admin roles and privileges.
Ensure this user is given the super admin permissions role.
To get started, you should have received an email to set up your account. If you haven't, please contact your UMA representative.
Once logged in you will need to carry out the following steps:
Configure your company settings.
Configure your user preferences.
Once these initial steps have been completed you can choose to connect to your Google Workspace tenant now.
Navigate to the integrations page and choose Google authentication to allow your employees to log in using Google credentials.
Once that's done, connect your Google calendar integration and enter in the booking account created above - e.g. booking@yourcompany.com.
To create resources in Google Workspace follow the guide here.
To import Google Workspace resources into UMA follow the guide here.
To sync your users from Google Workspace follow the guide here.
Understanding Google API permissions.
Get started here.
Add resources
Sync your Google resources with UMA.
User sync
Sync your users with Google Workspace groups.
OAuth authentication flow
How your users will log in
Follow this guide if you are a Microsoft organisation wanting to connect your users and resources to UMA.
UMA allows you to connect to your own Microsoft 365 tenant using Graph API to sync users and resources.
You will need your Microsoft Azure global admin to approve the application.
To understand the permissions required for the UMA Vision enterprise application click here.
To get started, you should have received an email to set up your account. If you haven't, please contact your UMA representative.
Once logged in you will need to carry out the following steps:
Configure your company settings.
Configure your user preferences.
Once these initial steps have been completed you can choose to connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant now.
Navigate to the integrations page and choose Microsoft authentication to allow your employees to log in using Microsoft credentials.
Once that's done, connect your Microsoft calendar integration and consent to the permissions requested.
You will need to enter your Microsoft Entra tenant ID as part of the connection process. This can be found on the Identity Overview page in Entra admin center.
Once connected you will need to find the UMA Vision enterprise application within Microsoft Entra and 'grant admin consent' to the application to fully consent to the permissions requested.
It can take up to 24 hours for sync between Microsoft and UMA to complete. During this period you may not be able to add resources to UMA.
To create resources in Microsoft follow the guide here.
To import Microsoft resources into UMA follow the guide here.
Microsoft's default behaviour is to not display the subject or private meetings correctly on the room display panel. To change this follow the guide here.
To sync your users from Microsoft follow the guide here.
Get started
Click here to get started
Understanding Graph API permissions.
Limit access to mailboxes
Use this policy to restrict access to specific users and calendars
OAuth authentication flow
How your users will log in
Global admin requirements
Why we need your global admin to consent
Enterprise applications
Everything you need to know about our enterprise application
Add resources
Sync your Microsoft resources with UMA.
Room display preparation
Understanding Microsoft's default behaviour.
User sync
Sync your users with Microsoft 365 groups.