To get started use the Milesight Toolbox application to turn on the device.
For more information on initial configuration, follow Milesight's guide here.
Once your device is on, you will need to upload a custom template to allow the device to work with our platform.
The custom template can be found here.
Ensure that the template has been added to Template 1.
From there, you are able to customise this template if you wish, as long as the module ID of the resource name and QR code stay as follows:
Resource Name - Module 1
QR Code - Module 3
Each template has metadata components with a module ID for each component. If you press on each component on the template it will show you a number.
If you change the module ID's for this metadata, the device will not work with our platform.
Finally, follow the initial guide here to add your Milesight DS3604 LoRaWAN device to UMA.
Once you have added this device to a resource, the device will automatically update its resource name and QR code and you can use the check in application.
We're thrilled to show you an exciting integration with our esteemed sensor partner, Milesight.
This collaboration represents a significant advancement in our IoT capabilities, as we join forces with one of the foremost manufacturers in the global IoT industry.
With this integration, you have the opportunity to seamlessly integrate Milesight sensors into the UMA platform, allowing for comprehensive insights into both occupancy patterns and the environmental conditions within your building.
To find out more about Milesight’s IoT range click here.
We support two types of Milesight sensors - LoRaWAN and network based PoE sensors.
UMA is able to ingest sensor data from any Milesight IoT device provided that your device, gateway or network server is sending the sensor payloads to UMA's MQTT server.
A LoRaWAN sensor is generally wireless whereas a PoE sensor will require a connection to your network for power and data.
LoRaWAN sensors are employed in cases where real-time information isn't crucial, and a data synchronisation every 20 minutes (as an example) suffices. These types of sensors are as follows:
Desk sensors
Environmental sensors
Energy sensors
If you have purchased or are planning on purchasing a Milesight LoRaWAN sensor, you will need a gateway to establish a connection from the sensor to our servers.
We recommend the following gateways as they have built in LoRa network servers:
If you already have access to your own LoRaWAN network server, you just need create a connection to UMA's MQTT server.
For LoRa network scoping, speak with our pre sales team.
Network based PoE sensors are used where real-time information is crucial such as a people counting sensor.
We support the following Milesight PoE people counting sensors:
To check relevant Milesight firewall rules click here.
End Devices - sensors or actuators send LoRa modulated wireless messages to the gateways or receive messages wirelessly back from the gateways.
Gateways - receive messages from end devices and forward them to the Network Server (if the network server is not built into the gateway)
Network Server - a piece of software running on a server that manages the entire network. This can be built into a gateway.
Application servers - this is UMA.
For more information, visit here.
Getting started
Everything you need to know about our integration.
Device configuration
Just need to set up a device? Click here.
To configure Milesight LoRa devices it's recommended to install the Milesight Toolbox application on your mobile device. This connects to Milesight devices via NFC using your phone.
The Toolbox application is useful for configuring sensor payload settings. From here you can speed up or slow down messages reporting to UMA.
For desk sensors, we recommend setting the minimum time available to get the most accurate live data in UMA.
To add a Milesight LoRa sensor to a Milesight gateway, follow the instructions in this guide:
To connect the Milesight gateway to UMA's MQTT server follow the instructions in this guide:
Unsure about UMA's MQTT server details? Click here.
In order for our server to correctly understand messages sent from LoRa sensors and devices you will need to create a custom payload codec on the Milesight gateway for each device type.
Once created you will need to add the following text at the end of the payload:
decoded.devEUI = LoRaObject.devEUI;
decoded.rssi = LoRaObject.rxInfo[0].rssi;
decoded.snr = LoRaObject.rxInfo[0].loRaSNR; =;
decoded.time = new Date().toISOString();
This text should be inserted before the return decoded statement.
For more information please check out Milesight's documentation here.
In order for our server to correctly understand uplinks and downlinks from our server you will need to configure the application on the gateway with the following details:
Uplink - milesight
Downlink - milesight/downlink/$deveui
To add a Milesight LoRa sensor to UMA, you will need the Dev EUI which can be obtained either locally on the sensor or by using the Toolbox application or Milesight gateway. Use the Dev EUI as the UMA ID.
When adding a Milesight device in UMA, click on add device and then use the Milesight card to find the device you want to add.
After some minutes, the device will come online and you will start recording the data coming from the sensor.
For information on configuring the Milesight DS3604 follow the guide here.
To configure Milesight people counting sensors use the following guides:
Milesight VS121 -
Milesight VS133 -
Configuring the reporting of sensor data ultimately depends on how quick you need the data.
UMA recommends configuring the minimum frequency of reporting to allow the most real time data possible.
Use the guides above to connect the sensor to UMA's MQTT server.
Unsure about UMA's MQTT server details? Click here.
To add a Milesight PoE sensor to UMA, you will need the serial number which can be obtained either locally on the sensor or from the device web GUI. Use the serial number as the device ID.
When adding a Milesight device in UMA, click on add device and then use the Milesight card to find the device you want to add.
After some minutes, the device will come online and you will start recording the data coming from the sensor.
Optionally, you can allow any Milesight occupancy sensor to auto book or cancel a meeting booking by configuring the device settings.