Booking Confirmation Popup
You can now view your booking or check in to your desk booking immediately after booking a resource.
Meeting Room Resource Changes
You can now assign any room resource to any space on the map, giving you full flexibility of your floor map.
Channel Admin Reporting Changes
It is now possible for the channel admin to run the booking report for all companies.
This release is all about improving the way you can book and manage car parking spaces within UMA.
🅿 Car Parking Improvements
Parking Space Attributes
To start we've added some attributes to the car parking resource so you can choose to tag the space as a disabled ♿ or EV charging space 🔌
Car Parking View
We've added a new car parking view to the 'Workspace' page.
This allows you to quickly filter down to view available parking spaces to book on the day you're coming into the office.
You can also easily identify if a space is allocated as a disabled ♿ or EV charging space 🔌.
Administrators, advanced managers and manager roles can understand parking space utilisation and view detailed information about each parking booking.
New Booking Fields
We've added the following fields to the parking booking form:
Car Registration
These fields are mandatory and allow administrators, advanced managers and manager roles to quickly view who is parked in a space by hovering over the booking.
These user roles are also able to book on behalf of and edit or cancel another users parking space booking.
Parking View on Map
We now have basic support to allow parking spaces to be assigned to a map.
Get in touch with the team for more information on this.
Parking Preferences Update
We have now added 'Car Details' to your preferences page. Be sure to add your vehicle to your preferences to make parking space booking a simpler and quicker process.
Hide and Show Occupancy
Wow! More screen real estate!
You can now hide and show the occupancy menu on the map within the 'My Floor' workspace, giving you the ability to make the map view even larger.
Assign Any Resource
We think it should be the customers choice which resources are bookable. This is why you can now book anything from your favourite chair or even your favourite plant!
Just select 'Other Resource' in the drop-down menu when adding your resources.
Other Helpful UX Improvements
You can now remove the filters on the 'Occupancy Insights Dashboard' to allow a more global insight of your building, simply click on the X buttons to remove building and/or floor.
We've added live animations to the 'Insight Cards' to give a quick an easier overview of the people occupying your spaces.
When there are no desk/room resources present the toggle in our office map preferences will default to zones view.
Last but not least we have removed the 'Floor' label if the label already has the word present.
⬇ User, Resource and Device Filters
An improvement to the user, resource and device management pages to allow you to filter down to what you need to see quickly.
The device and resource page will also default to the building and floor from your preferences allowing you to quickly view data related to your preferred location.
⬇ Nested UMA Applications
An improvement to the way we handle and visualise UMA applications that are assigned to an 'UMA Display Panel' or 'Cisco Webex Navigator'.
Any application (book/count/visitor) assigned to one of these parent devices (hardware) will automatically be nested under its parent device on the device management page.
✏ Edit Resource from the Floor Map
An update to the Floor Map page which has now changed the setting 'Assign Resources' to 'Edit Map'.
As part of this change you can now edit a resource directly from the resource table or by clicking on a resource on the map (while 'Edit Map' is turned on).
❌ Desk Release Improvements
An update to the desk release field to allow you to enter in a time duration between 5 minutes and 12 hours to create more flexibility for companies looking to use this feature.
To use this feature going forward, use the following format: 1h 30m
📌 Office Map Kiosk Application
Our new signage application is here!
You can now display your office map in public areas of your office to allow staff and guests to interact with your building digitally.
The office map application will help with finding and booking spaces as well as understanding occupancy and environmental data at floor or zone level.
To get started, navigate to office.meetuma.ai and pair your application using the following steps documented here.
✏ Rename 'No Show' to 'Away'
We've renamed the status 'No Show' to 'Away' to improve the understanding of this label.
This helps in circumstances where a user has arrived for their booking but has temporarily left but not cancelled their booking.
📍 Master Zone
You can now create or edit a 'Zone' as a 'Master Zone'.
This setting only applies to the Office Map application.
At this moment in time this will just be used to allow you to choose a specific 'Zone' to represent the amount of people on a floor based on people count data.
Only one master zone can be assigned per floor.
📹 Google Meet Integration
We've integrated directly with Google Meet so your own personal meeting link will be automatically copied into the booking after the booking is processed.
When scheduling a new booking you will now see the Google Meet button shown below, clicking this automatically adds video conferencing capabilities to the meeting.
This feature is only available if you are connected using Google Workspace.
⬇ Nest Devices
You can now view the status of any device added to a resource by clicking on the arrow next to the resource.
Do you have multiple devices assigned to one resource? You can now instantly find out which devices are using what resource by dropping down the arrow to reveal this.
This view also gives you the Last Seen & Status of a device associated with a resource.
👩 Profile Photo Sync
With this release, we have automatically synced your profile photo from Office 365 and Google Workspace to create a more personalised theme when navigating throughout the platform.
This will allow users to easily identify teammates and where they're located in the office.
To update your profile photo, you will need to change your photo within Office 365 or Google Workspace.
Attention Google organisations!
You can now sync your users, calendars and resources with UMA.
Organisations using Google can now log into the UMA platform using Google SSO, sync their calendars and book meeting rooms, desks, parking spaces and any other resource that has a Google Calendar.
Our mobile application and booking panel have also been updated to support the web update.
For more information on how to set this up for your organisation click .
To get started, follow the integration guide .
📈 Occupancy Insights
Understanding how many people are utilising your office can be a difficult problem to have when you have no way of capturing that data.
With this in mind, we have created a dashboard to provide live and historical insights based on the number of people in your building as a whole or by floor, zone or meeting room.
By utilising UMA's software combined with hardware by Cisco, Jabra and now Irisys you can deploy GDPR compliant sensors that can detect the number of people in any space at any given time.
By simply installing a sensor at the entrance of your building you can understand in real time the exact amount of people working in your office at any one time.
Over time you can start to see trends and even forward predict and make actionable insight based on this data.
To get started with our occupancy insights dashboard, follow the guide here.
🚶♂️ Occupancy Count Application
Alongside our insights dashboard we've created a new digital signage application to support the counting of people in any area.
To help employees understand occupancy in certain areas, this signage application can be used to display the current occupancy vs capacity alongside your corporate branding and informative text about the area.
To improve the employee experience in your building, signage can be displayed throughout an office to help with navigation to certain areas based on real time occupancy levels.
To get started, simply navigate to count.meetuma.ai and pair your application using the steps highlighted in the guide here.
👀 Monitor ANY Network Device - Improvements
You've been able to monitor any network based hardware in UMA for a while now but we've added some improvements into this release to simplify the process.
If you have an 'UMA Collector' deployed on your network you can now add any device the collector finds by its ID in UMA.
To get started, add an 'UMA Collector Device' within the devices page.
📍 Zone Heatmap / Updated Legend
Just like with our office map application, you can now quickly understand occupancy levels by zone or floor by clicking 'Zone View' within the Workspace page. The heatmap will show occupancy levels using traffic light colours.
We've also updated the legend at the bottom of the map to help you understand the different occupancy statuses.
🌍 Support for Spanish, German and Dutch languages.
UMA Vision now has support for Spanish, German and Dutch languages. To change your default language, navigate to your user preferences.
⚙ Updated Cisco Device Library
We have added the following Cisco Webex devices to our device library:
Cisco Webex Desk Camera 4K
Cisco Webex Desk Mini
Cisco Webex Board Pro
Cisco Webex Room Bar
Cisco 320
Cisco 521
Cisco 522
Cisco 531
Cisco 532
Cisco 561
Cisco 562
Bang & Olufsen Cisco 980
🖥️ UMA Booking Application
We're excited to finally release our new booking panel application!
When released, just open book.meetuma.ai on any web based browser and you'll be able to create meeting room signage on any piece of hardware...including the new Cisco Webex Navigator!
As part of this release, the Android booking panel application has been converted to the UMA Booking Application as well. This application type covers both the Web and Android version.
The UMA Booking Application can be paired via Web or Android by following the steps here.
🔌 Cisco Webex Navigator Integration
UMA now supports the Cisco Webex Navigator display panel. The new UMA Booking Application can be displayed on the Navigator and displays occupancy and environmental data based on the Webex device in the meeting room. To get started, follow our Cisco Webex integration guide here and the UMA Booking Application guide here.
🌳 UMA Booking Application - Environmental Data
The UMA Booking Application now displays environmental data based on IoT or Cisco Webex sensor data. Simply install an 'UMA Environmental Sensor' or Cisco Webex video device (that supports environmental data) and add this device to the same resource as your UMA Booking Application.
To add an environmental sensor follow the steps in the article here. To add a Cisco Webex device follow the steps in the article here.
📅 UMA Booking Application - Additional Time Slots
We have added the option to book additional slots throughout the day by clicking on 'Book Now' or 'Reserve'.
These booking slots are based on working hours that are set within Company or Building Settings.
📍 Zones
Introducing our newest feature, Zones!
Zones represent different areas of your office to allow you to segregate between departments, teams or however you choose to use them.
To get started, add a Zone as a new Resource and assign it an area of the map.
Hit ‘Zone View’ on the map to allow all users to see zone information.
Initially, Zones will be used to visualise live occupancy, temperature, Co2 and humidity data on the map but we’ll soon be adding Zone based booking to allow users to search for available desks and meeting rooms in specific Zones.
To find out more click here.
🎛️ Updated 3D Controls
We've enabled the 3D map view for all users and included some really cool control features.
Full Screen Mode
You can now enter 3D view in full screen to really enhance the visual experience.
Export 3D Image
You can now export a live 3D view of your office to PNG or JPG to capture a certain live state.
Our 3D mapping engine will create pre-defined bookmarks of areas of your office to quickly click on.
Person View
Enter person view to get a real wayfinding experience of your office floor.
⚙️ UMA People Count Sensor
Our newest device integration is with a time of flight people counting sensor.
This will allow all users to benefit from understanding how occupied certain areas of a building are.
By adding an ‘UMA People Count Sensor’, you can assign this device to a meeting room to help understand meeting room utilisation, or even let it auto book / release the room in the calendar based on occupancy detection.
You can also add this device to a ‘Zone’ to understand when particular areas of a building are busiest throughout the day.
By adding this device to a Kitchen (as an example) you can help staff decide when it suits them to go for lunch based on real time occupancy.
🚀 Workspace Updates
A minor update to the 'Workspace' menu item to now show 'Book a Resource' and 'My Bookings'.
The book a resource menu item will display the floor map and list view to allow you to view and book available resources.
My bookings will show all bookings from UMA and your work calendar.
🔍 Zoom Integration Update
An improvement to the Zoom integration which allows you to copy in an entire Zoom invitation into your Meeting preferences.
This in turn will allow you to copy this into your video meeting invite when booking a resource.
⚙️ Azure Active Directory Sync
You can now sync, control and manage your users in UMA from Active Directory.
To help manage your user base in UMA we understand that Active Directory is generally the source of truth for most applications to sync with.
With this in mind we've rapidly developed something we felt was missing in our platform to assist our customers with onboarding and to help cut down on admin time.
To save time adding users to UMA you can now use the sync toggle to add all your users based on groups in AD.
To get started follow the integration guide here.
📊 IoT Device Improvements
We're making live IoT sensor data look a lot cooler now!
You can now see visually appealing live data cards for UMA IoT sensors within the device information.
Data cards will not only give you the current live information but also tell you what that data means, giving you actionable insight.
Data cards have been created for the following:
Battery Life
Signal to Gateway